Green Magic Cleaners

GreenEarth Day

The year 2020 will mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, or GreenEarth Day as we like to call it, and currently this celebration is recognized as the largest secular observance in the world.

There are an estimated over 5,000 environmental groups in 184 countries focused on educating and activating the world’s population to encourage policy change and influence positive human behavior.

The participants worldwide for Earth Day are estimated to exceed well over 1 billion people.

Countless conservation and sustainability projects are being promoted on every possible channel imaginable focused on this day.

With the culture and mission of GreenEarth Cleaning so aligned with the spirit of Earth Day, it is understandable that it takes on the feeling of a birthday celebration for the GreenEarth family.

GreenEarth Cleaning sees our focus to help this industry follow our lead in promoting year-round attention to sustainable garment care.

The message below went out to all our Affiliates worldwide in advance of Earth Day was meant to be shared with all and the message bears repeating.

Happy Earth Day

What’s your one thing?
Why not make everyday Earth Day by making a resolution to take at least one positive green action each and every day? Doing one green thing each day is an easy enough promise to make, and you’ll feel good about keeping it

GreenEarth Affiliates, their employees and customers are aware of the positive impact that our commitment to sustainability benefits the environment.

On this one day, it feels right to merge our names here on this day, joining with the Earth Day celebration and proclaim that: GreenEarthDay is Everyday!

The post GreenEarth Day appeared first on GreenEarth Cleaning.